It goes without saying that the Holiday Season makes us festive. But it can also be dangerous for our wallets!
When you’re struggling to make ends meet, here are a few tips to keep you out of debt this Christmas.
Plan ahead for the Holiday Season
December 24 arrives at the same time every year! So plan ahead! Think ahead about what you want to give and to whom. That way, you won’t have to run to the stores at the last minute! Save stress and energy!
Watch for sales BEFORE the Holiday Season
Throughout the year, there are always sales. To get rid of stock that’s not selling or simply sales during Black Friday in November, for example. If you’ve made your list beforehand, you’ll save a lot of money! Once again, you’ll be less stressed when the Holiday Season arrives.
Keep an eye on garage sales
Spring and summer are the time to clean house. Many have garage sales. Take a stroll through your neighborhood with your Christmas gift list! You might just find what you’re looking for and pay very little for it.
Learn to do arts & crafts
There are a number of websites, such as Pinterest, that offer lots of tips on a variety of subjects. You’ll find tips on how to make your own Christmas decorations, table centerpieces and so on. You’ll also find easy recipes.
Holiday budget
If you set aside $20 a week, you’ll have just over $1000 to spoil your loved ones! And you’ll barely notice it in your monthly budget. Stop drinking Starbucks coffee 2 times a week and voilà!
Choose your loved ones carefully!
Our parents, children, brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces are normally among our loved ones. Are we obliged to give a gift to our boss’s children, for example? Or all our colleagues? NO! Prioritize those who are really worth it to you!
Gift exchange
Instead of each person buying a gift for each person, why not do a freelance gift exchange? It saves a lot of money! You can also ask for a gift of an item you need, and avoid another future expense even if it was planned.
Be creative
If you don’t have a budget for Christmas gifts, be creative. For example, if your mother is getting old, offer to do her housework for free once a month for 6 months!
Share the expenses
For Christmas Eve or even every dinner you have during the Holiday Season, share the cost of each dish you cook. Each of your guests can prepare a dish to share with everyone! It saves money, time and stress!
Celebrate Christmas after Christmas!
“Boxing Day”! On December 26, stores open and there are great sales! There’s nothing to stop you celebrating Christmas on December 29 or 30 and taking advantage of great Boxing Day discounts!
That’s it! With these tips from Credit2Go, you’ll have a stress-free, worry-free holiday season with your family! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!