Crédit2Go, sa création.

Crédit2Go, sa création.

En tout premier lieu, Crédit2Go est une entreprise familiale qui propose à une clientèle de particuliers des micro-prêts. De plus nous avons un service de redressement de crédit auprès des organismes de crédit comme Transunion et Équifax. L’entreprise opère dans tout...
Young Adults: how to build your credit history?

Young Adults: how to build your credit history?

Build your credit history may seem difficult for young people. In order to borrow money, for example for a personal loan or to buy a car/house, you need to have a good credit history. To have a good credit score, you need to have a credit history. And the longer...
Tips to save on airfare

Tips to save on airfare

Tips to save on airfare Winter is now here to stay for a few months and gives us a strong urge to go on a beach somewhere down south! But travelling is expensive! There are 3 mandatory and major expenses when you go on a trip: 1 – the need to eat, 2 –...
How does credit rebuild work?

How does credit rebuild work?

Credit rebuild agencies are usually profit companies that help you improve your credit score for a fee. Credit2Go offers this service for free. Click here to learn more. In addition to helping you improve your credit rating, these companies can also contact the credit...
Save on NSF fees!

Save on NSF fees!

Save on NSF fees! Nowadays, it’s easy to feel stressed about our payments and our responsibilities. As a lending company, we understand that more than anyone. This is why we want to help our clients get through their tougher days by allowing them to lower 3...
Why borrow money?

Why borrow money?

We borrow money because we don’t all have the well-stocked bank accounts of celebrities! As we know, there’s always something to spend money on: renovations, a new vehicle, birthday gifts, children’s wardrobe, etc. Unfortunately, we do not always...
How does a personal loan work?

How does a personal loan work?

A personal loan is a very practical tool when you don’t have the funds to finance something like a computer,  a trip you’ve been dreaming about for a long time, or simply when you were hit by “bad luck”. Here’s what you need to know if you are...