Despite an impending recession, fintech (financial technology) innovation shows no signs of slowing down. New players continue to emerge with ground-breaking products, services, and initiatives. The future looks turbulent for many countries and industries, but there...
Have you ever taken a test to evaluate your financial IQ? In the good old days, we used to have home economics classes in high school. Also called family and consumer sciences (often shortened to FCS), this is a subject concerning human development, consumer issues,...
Today, most people retire at 65 or sometimes more. But what if you want to retire at 50 instead? Not all of us have a government job with a pension plan! Some people make it their top financial objective to retire early. It’s their dream and they are willing to work...
Saving our money may seem difficult and boring and sometimes it makes us feel like we’re “in jail”. However it’s super important and we need to change our perception of saving money. Here are 3 good reasons to save. 1 – Save Money for the...
It goes without saying that the Holiday Season makes us festive. But it can also be dangerous for our wallets! When you’re struggling to make ends meet, here are a few tips to keep you out of debt this Christmas. Plan ahead for the Holiday Season December 24...