Saving our money may seem difficult and boring and sometimes it makes us feel like we’re “in jail”. However it’s super important and we need to change our perception of saving money. Here are 3 good reasons to save.
1 – Save Money for the unexpected
Life is full of happy and less happy events, and these negative events are the ones you never expect. A separation, an accident, an illness, death… all are events that have a MAJOR impact on our financial life. It is therefore advisable to have a clear view of your monthly expenses and to have an emergency fund of at least 3 months of fixed expenses.
2 – Motivate yourself to work at that discipline
It’s important to set short, medium and long-term goals that we care about to be motivated and disciplined to put money aside. Savings are not just for “bad luck”! Have you been dreaming of going to Brazil for a long time? Want a new car, not a used one? Renovate your home or buy a cottage? Spending your savings on the reward of your choice is the best motivation!
3 – Save Money to be financially independent
You want to separate but are afraid you won’t make ends meet? Want to retire at age 50? Want to take one or two sabbatical years and travel around the world? These are motivating reasons to save in order to be free to make yourself happy!
You must fight against immediate contentment! Yes you also have to live and reward yourself on Friday night after a long week at work, but you have to pay yourself first and put some of the hard-earned money aside for your short, medium and long term goals! Credit2Go can help you with this while helping you keep a good credit score, simply by making pre-authorized debits. Click here to learn more and happy savings!
Related: 3 Simple Steps To Save